4 Reasons to Upgrade Your Commercial Lighting System

Light systems are a vital element of every commercial facility regardless of the work performed in the space. While it may be tempting to stick with your current light fixtures and bulbs because they work “well enough”, you may be surprised how much these outdated fixtures can cost you every week, month, and year. In addition to cost savings, there are many valuable benefits of modern light fixtures and bulbs for commercial facilities. That is why the commercial electrical contractors at BNR Electric have put together a list of 4 reasons to upgrade your commercial lighting system to demonstrate why these upgrades are well worth the investment.

Learn how to choose the right commercial electrician for your lighting project.

4 Benefits of a Commercial Lighting System Upgrade

A complete commercial lighting upgrade can provide the following benefits for operations of all sizes:

1. Energy Savings

One of the most significant benefits of a complete commercial lighting upgrade is the reduced energy costs over time. By switching from outdated fluorescent bulbs to efficient and advanced LED systems, operations can cut down on energy consumption and reduce energy bills without negatively impacting light quality. Modern lighting systems can also be paired with various smart systems, motion detectors, and other technology, allowing you to further reduce energy costs while allowing for complete control of your lighting day and night.

2. Increased Worker Productivity and Safety

A lack of visibility can drastically increase the risk of collisions, dropped products, and other accidents, especially in fast-paced environments with heavy equipment. This makes lighting upgrades a worthwhile investment for facility and employee safety. While it can be difficult to assign a monetary value to the correlation between an energy-efficient lighting system and worker productivity, it is easy to see that most workers are more productive when they feel safe and can easily see everything in their surroundings.

3. Better Light Quality

Light quality is a vital yet often overlooked element for commercial facilities. A commercial lighting upgrade can target areas with poor light quality or low visibility and use specific design considerations to remedy these issues. In addition to increased visibility and reliability, newer systems often provide greater light output, improved colour, reduced flicker, and less glare than incandescent or fluorescent systems, creating a more comfortable work environment.

4. Less Maintenance and Labour

Older light fixtures and fluorescent bulbs can be expensive to repair and maintain, especially for facilities that need them to be powered on 24/7. Most energy-efficient lighting upgrades require less maintenance and fewer repairs throughout their usable life due to streamlined designs and fewer components, further reducing costs. A large-scale lighting upgrade also presents an opportunity to replace other outdated electrical equipment and wiring, further increasing performance while reducing maintenance and costs throughout your facility.

To learn more about our commercial electrical services or to discuss the details of your project, get in touch with the team at BNR Electric. We can be reached through our online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our services.