BC Box House Exterior Renovation Ideas

If you live in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, the odds are good that you are familiar with the style of home that has been dubbed “the BC box house.” Also known as the Vancouver special, this type of home is most recognizable from the outside by its flat, unadorned façade and its two-story, boxy layout. Because these homes have such cookie-cutter designs, it is incredibly popular to have them renovated to create a unique, beautiful, modern aesthetic. At Stattonrock Design + Build, we have experience with all kinds of interior and exterior renovations and our team members have a wealth of BC box house exterior renovation ideas.

Exterior Renovation Ideas for BC Box Homes

Whether you are looking to raise your home’s curb appeal for an eventual sale or you want to modernize your home to express yourself better, it is worth considering renovating the exterior of your BC box house. Some great ideas to improve the look of your Vancouver special include:

1.     Replace the Siding

Most BC box houses use stucco, vinyl, or wood siding. By simply replacing this dated siding with something like stone, vertical board siding, or shake siding, you can freshen up the look of your home.

2.     Install Bigger Windows

Bigger windows can make your home look more inviting and it has the added benefit of letting in more natural light. Modern windows are also more insulated and do a better job of retaining heat, meaning you will pay less for your heating and cooling bills every year.

3.     Enhance the Entryway

The entryway of most BC box houses is usually the same: a door that sits flat with the rest of the house rests at the top of a small concrete step or patio. Occasionally, this door will be a double door. This can be freshened up through a couple of methods. A gabled entryway is one of the best ways to spruce up the exterior of your home, and replacing an old, solid door with one that features a bit more flair can go a long way.

4.     Add Natural Elements

Wooden posts, wooden trim, and stone skirting can make a big difference in how your BC box home looks. This can be taken a step further by including wooden shutters for windows and a natural looking garage door.

If you would like to learn more about different BC box house exterior renovation ideas, or to find out more about the services offered by Stattonrock Design + Build, please contact us and we will be sure to get back to you with the information you need.