Benefits of Renting Restaurant Equipment

If you are planning on opening a restaurant, one key decision you will need to make is whether you will purchase or rent your equipment. While most individuals would not consider renting appliances for their home, it can make a lot of sense for some restaurants. As leading providers of new restaurant equipment, refurbished units, and restaurant equipment rentals, the team at Raimac Industries knows that every restaurant will benefit from a different option. That is why their team has compiled a list of benefits of renting restaurant equipment to help you determine if renting is the right choice for your restaurant.

Learn about the types of restaurant equipment that are often overlooked.

4 Benefits of Renting Restaurant Equipment

Renting equipment can provide the following benefits for your restaurant:

1. Lower Initial Costs

Most restaurants often do not have access to a large amount of capital when they are first starting out. This can make it difficult to purchase quality equipment for your kitchen and other areas of the business. Renting allows you to add the equipment you need to your restaurant through a monthly fee instead of a high purchase price. This allows you to retain the use of working capital while adding quality ovens, cooktops, refrigeration units, and other equipment to your restaurant.

2. Some Rentals Can be Tax Deductible

When you purchase equipment, you will need to pay all taxes up front. When renting, these taxes are divided and paid each month, making it easier to manage and budget for. Equipment rentals can often be written off as an operating expense for most industries, allowing you to cut down on spending without cutting down on equipment or quality.

3. No Maintenance Requirements

Maintenance and repairs for restaurant equipment can be costly and time-consuming, drastically impacting your bottom line. If one of your equipment rentals breaks down or starts to operate at a lower output, most providers will allow you to quickly swap it out for another unit. If another unit is not available, they may perform repairs themselves or reimburse you for repair costs, ensuring that you are not left with the bill.

4. The Opportunity to Upgrade or Purchase the Unit

Many rental agreements feature a buy-out or upgrade option at the end of the rental term (typically 12 months). This allows you to renew your rental plan with a newer unit or purchase the equipment you are used to at a much lower purchase price.

To learn more about their restaurant equipment rentals or to inquire about their other products, get in touch with the experts at Raimac Industries. They can be reached through their online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.