Commercial Uses for Metal Buildings in BC

Regardless of what area of the commercial sector your company operates in, if you are looking into constructing a new location for your business, it is worth looking into using a metal building. There are many different commercial uses for metal buildings in BC and, at Ferro Building Systems, we have experience with creating functional, comfortable, and effective pre-engineered metal buildings that look great and suit the needs of our clients.

Metal Buildings for Commercial Purposes

When it comes to buildings that serve commercial functions, metal buildings are often a perfect solution. Because they are quick to construct, highly durable, low maintenance, and come in various shapes and sizes, they can meet nearly any need and serve all kinds of purposes. Some of the most common commercial uses for pre-engineered metal buildings in BC include:


It is incredibly common to see metal buildings used for stores and shops. Due to their versatility, the same structure can provide warehouse or storage space as well as a beautiful storefront. Pre-engineered metal buildings are incredibly popular in BC for strip malls, shopping centres, supermarkets, and standalone stores.

Business Centres

Many people think of a cold, empty structure when thinking of metal buildings; however, they can be just as comfortable and polished as any other style of construction. This makes them perfect for business centres and office buildings. Many of these structures that can be found in BC are pre-engineered metal buildings and most people cannot tell.

Garages and Shops

Due to their strength in construction, metal buildings are frequently used for commercial centres that tend to see a large amount of heavy-duty use. They are ideal for garages, manufacturers, and other service facilities. With the right pre-engineered metal building setup, you can easily install different useful pieces of machinery or incorporate shop fixings, such as overhead cranes and hoists, into the building itself.

If you would like to find out more information about commercial uses for metal buildings in BC, or to find out about some of the metal building options that we offer, please contact Ferro Building Systems at 604-530-3224 or fill out a contact form on our website.