Fence Line Landscaping Ideas

These simple fence line landscaping ideas can help transform any backyard landscaping by adding an extra level of privacy, while also enhancing the overall aesthetics of the space. At Vandenberg’s Landscape Design, they want to help you create a beautiful and functional outdoor space. That is why theyoffer a range of landscaping services, including landscape design.

Ideas for Landscaping Along a Fence Line

While most homeowners tend to spend their time focusing on keeping a healthy-looking lawn and bountiful garden, one area that is often forgotten about is the fence line. Rather than allowing your fence to stand alone, homeowners can easily enhance their fence line, creating an even more beautiful space by planting ornamental plants or long and narrow vegetable garden beds. Some other ideas for landscaping along the fence line include:

1. Plant Vines

If you are looking to add an extra level of privacy in your backyard, consider planting vines to help cover up certain areas. Vines can also be a great way to hide parts of the fence that are looking old and raggedy. When trying to select the best vine to plant along your fence line, look for vines that will naturally grow upwards and add a pop of colour to the space.

2. Grow Grass Along the Fence

Ornamental grass is ideal for planting along the fence line, especially if you are also planning on growing plants in the same area. As ornamental grass grows, it will work to cover larger areas of the fence, adding both texture and movement to your backyard landscaping.

3. Plant Flowers and Herbs

If your landscaping vision involves having blooming flowers along your fence line, consider pairing flowers like hydrangeas with ornamental grasses. Herbs are also a great option for planting alongside blooming flowers and the fence line, as they are especially ideal for border gardens.

4. Utilize Planter Boxes

Consider placing planter boxes or pots along the fence line. Simply placing large, decorative planters along the fence line at even intervals can help provide a visually appealing element to any landscape design. Growing a variety of different plants in a single planter can also be a great way to add colour to your backyard space.

5. Add Decorative Elements

Homeowners who want to add visual appeal along their fence line but do not want to spend their time gardening can improve the look of their fence by lining it with decorative garden fixtures, such as metal lanterns. If you are considering handing decorative garden fixtures along your fence line, make sure to choose lightweight elements and that all of the pieces are properly secured to the fence.

If you would like to learn more fence line landscaping ideas, or if you are interested in one of their landscaping services, please contact Vandenberg’s Landscape Design at 604-866-3023 or by filling out a contact form on their website. They are a Langley landscaping company that proudly serves customers all the way from Vancouver to Abbotsford.