Fire Safety Equipment for the Office

Purchasing and properly maintaining fire safety equipment for the office or jobsite can be integral in saving lives and reducing property damage. At EFAS, they want to help ensure that your workplace is as safe as possible in the event of a fire. That is why they offer a wide range of mobile safety services, including fire protection services.

Types of Fire Safety Equipment for the Office

Some of the most basic fire safety equipment that every office should have include:

Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers can be the first line of defence and can often be used to contain or extinguish a fire, preventing costly damage. While this type of office fire safety equipment is often overlooked or viewed as an unnecessary expense, it can be a key component in keeping you safe during a fire emergency situation.

Fire Suppression Systems

Fire suppression systems or commercial fire sprinkler systems work by using the most minimal amount of water needed to turn a potentially deadly fire into a smaller one. In most cases, fire sprinkler systems only release water from pipes when the temperature rises and only in a designated area around the fire source. By containing the amount of water released from the system, as well as getting the fire out quickly, the amount of damage done to the building can be significantly decreased, allowing your business to get back up and running in less time.

Smoke Alarms

Installing smoke alarms is one of the most important measures you can take to manage the risk of a fire at the office. Consider installing a combination of smoke and heat detectors, as well as sirens and bells, to alert your employees of a fire, giving them plenty of time to evacuate the building. While smoke alarms do not actively work towards putting out a fire, monitored fire alarm systems will automatically notify first responders, who will be dispatched to your location right away.

Mobile Fire Protection Services

Mobile fire protection services allow business owners to replace their fire protection equipment without ever having to leave the office. The team of fire protection specialists at EFAS can bring new fire protection equipment right to your office, as well as inspect any current fire protection equipment in the building to ensure that it is in optimal working condition.

All of their fire protection services include:

  • Annual inspection of fire extinguishers, fire suppression systems, and smoke alarms
  • Fire extinguisher refills
  • Onsite fire protection services that work with your schedule
  • Reliable fire protection services that provide complete peace of mind

If you would like to learn more about fire safety equipment for the office or jobsite, or if you are interested in one of their mobile safety supply (first aid supply, fire protection, or safety equipment) or safety training and safety audit services, please contact EFAS at 604-294-EFAS or by filling out a contact form on their website.