Categories: Ponds

How to Deal with an Algae Infestation in Your Pond

Algae is the number one concern and complaint for most pond owners as it can quickly make their beautiful water feature look dirty and unappealing. This green, primitive plant produces oxygen during the day but depletes the amount of oxygen in the pond. When speaking of algae, there are two main types: green water and string algae. Green water is a collection of single-celled organisms that come together to make the water appear green, while string/hair algae is a strand-like species that can cling to rocks and clog waterfalls. Though a small amount of algae is normal for most ponds, it can quickly get out of hand if left unchecked. As experts in water features and ecosystem ponds, the team at Fontana Ponds & Water Features understands the importance of algae management. That is why their team has compiled a list of methods on how to deal with an algae infestation in your pond.

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Methods for Controlling Algae and Green Pond Water

The following techniques are proven methods of controlling algae and increasing the appeal of your pond:

Add Plants

In most ponds, fish produce nutrients that are absorbed by plants, leaving little sustenance for algae. Some ecosystem ponds may not possess enough plants to absorb all the nutrients left by fish, causing a buildup that produces an ideal environment for rapid algae growth. In addition to these excess nutrients, direct sunlight can also promote algae growth. To minimize excess nutrients and create more shade for your pond, consider adding more plants. Floating plants and submerged plants are both great choices as they will create shade and absorb excess nutrients, starving algae and preventing it from building up.

Cleaning and Water Treatments

If you are dealing with an excessive buildup of algae, adding plants may not be the fastest solution. To remove algae that has formed on top of your pond, consider using a net to remove it from the surface, connection points, waterfalls, and other areas. After removing it, consider use a water treatment product according to the precise application instructions. This can quickly remove algae and limit any future infestations. If your pond has fish, ensure that you are using treatment options that will not harm them.

Use High-Quality Fish Food

Not all fish food is of the same quality. Cheap, low-quality fish food is often not fully digested by fish, resulting in excess waste that can be absorbed by algae. High-quality fish food is often fully digested, leaving little to no nutrients for algae. In addition to quality, ensure that you are not over-feeding your fish by throwing too much food into the pond as any food that is not eaten can become nourishment for algae.

To learn more about pond maintenance or to have a pond installed in your yard, reach out to the team at Fontana Ponds & Water Features. Their experts will work with you to provide the perfect solution for your wants and needs.