How to Repair Damaged Fascia

Because fascia boards rest on the most prominent edges of your home, it is common for them to become damaged from impacts. The primary job of the fascia on your house is to protect the roof and walls from moisture, so water damage is also incredibly common. Fascia is a prominent aesthetic element on most homes and it can rot or deteriorate if not cared for properly, so it is important to know how to repair damaged fascia. At Country Lumber, we sell a variety of different types and sizes of fascia and our experienced team is always ready to help you find what you need to complete your home repair job safely and efficiently.

How to Repair Damaged Fascia Boards

Since fascia boards sit at some of the highest points of your home, it is important to exercise extreme caution when replacing them. Extension ladders are not usually the best choice, as they cannot rest on the section of fascia being replaced. It is usually best to use scaffolding or a stepladder, if possible. The steps to fixing damaged fascia are as follows:


Different types of damage will require different solutions.  In ideal cases, you might not need to actually replace the damaged fascia board. If the damage is small enough and rot has not yet set in, it is often possible to fix it with an epoxy filler. If the board has begun to rot, it is usually best to replace it.


Before removing the damaged fascia, it can be helpful to install angle brackets behind the boards. These brackets should rest against the existing fascia so that you can more easily install the new boards in the same position.


Removing old fascia boards can be a bit of a hassle in some cases, depending on their position and what kind of gutter system is being used. Disassemble and remove any gutters that are in front of the fascia being removed. Most fascia is nailed to the ends of rafters, so you will likely need a pry bar in order to get the fascia loose. Once the fascia is removed, check the rafters underneath for signs of rot and, if you find some, make sure you call a professional for help with what to do about rotting rafters.


If there are no signs of rot in your rafters under the fascia, you can now install a new fascia board. Mark the placement of rafters along the fascia with a pencil so that it is easier to nail the new board in place. Getting the fascia board in place might be a two-person job. Once the fascia is secured to the brackets, nail it to the underlying rafters. You are now ready to paint it and reinstall your gutters.

If you are interested in learning more about how to repair damaged fascia, or if you would like to find out about any of the other services and supplies available from Country Lumber, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.