Mistakes to Avoid When Making an ICBC Claim

Knowing some of the most common mistakes to avoid when making an ICBC claim can save you a lot of stress and hassle in the long run. At Linley Welwood, they understand how important it is to properly prepare for an ICBC injury claim. That is why their team of highly trained and experienced car accident lawyers are always ready to take on any type of ICBC claim.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Filing an ICBC Injury Claim

Some of the most common mistakes to avoid when filing an ICBC injury claim include:

1. Not Getting Proper Medical Care After an Accident

After suffering an injury in an accident, no matter how minor it appears to be, it is always a good idea to seek immediate medical attention by your family doctor. If you do not have a family doctor, make sure that you only see one particular doctor at the walk-in clinic and that you see the same doctor for any follow-up visits. Any instructions that your doctor gives you for follow-up care or recommended treatments should be followed precisely.

Since ICBC will award medical or rehabilitative benefits based on your medical records and reports from your doctor, it is important to never downplay any symptoms, refuse testing, or rule out any long-term problems as a result of a car accident injury.

2. Not Notifying ICBC After an Accident

You are required to notify ICBC within 24 hours after an accident, no matter how minor the accident may seem. When notifying ICBC, make sure that you are prepared to go over all of the accident details, including when and where the accident occurred, the license plate numbers of every vehicle involved, and the driver’s license numbers for everyone involved.

3. Posting Content on Social Media that Could Hurt Your Case

When you have an ongoing ICBC claim, it is always a good idea to avoid posting on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. ICBC will often look at your social media profiles to see how active and socially engaged you are, which can cause them to question the seriousness of your injuries. ICBC may even use your social media posts as a reason for denying your injury claim.

4. Signing an ICBC Statement Without Reading It

During your ongoing ICBC claim, the claims adjuster may prepare a formal statement of everything you have told them about the accident and ask you to sign it. Always take the time to read any documents before signing them to ensure complete accuracy, and to protect yourself and your interests by consulting with a car accident lawyer before making any statements.

If you would like to learn more about some of the most common mistakes to avoid when making an ICBC claim, or if you are interested in one of their legal services for car accidents, business law, real estate, family law, serious injuries, and wills, estates, and trusts, please contact Linley Welwood at 604-850-6640 or by filling out a form on their website.