Parking Lot Ice Removal Tips

If you need to remove snow and ice from your parking lot, it is important to have all of the proper equipment on hand to ensure you do not spend endless hours on a futile effort. The type of equipment or services you will require will depend on the size of your parking lot and the type of snowfall that your area has received. If you need help with ice and snow removal services for your parking lot, the team at Atlas Power Sweeping is always ready to help. Their team can offer you any tips for parking lot ice removal that you might need, or they can come to your property and take care of the issue for you.

Parking Lot Ice Removal Tips

Weather in British Columbia’s Lower Mainland can be unpredictable, and the types of snow that we receive can vary. Due to the amount of moisture present here, we tend to get plenty of ice when it is cold enough, it is important to know how to get rid of any ice that might remain after plowing your parking lot. Some top tips for parking lot ice removal and maintenance include:

Remove Snow Quickly

If you wait to remove snow, even a little bit of melt can occur during the day and then refreeze, forming a layer of dangerous ice beneath the snow. It is easier to avoid letting ice form than it is to remove it.

Pile Snow Strategically

Snow piles can melt throughout the day and freeze at night, so it is important to pile snow strategically so that it drains away from driving and walking areas as it melts. If the snow piles drain into the parking lot, the drainage can freeze and cause dangerous slippery patches.

Watch for Thawing Periods

If you are trying to remove ice when it is frozen at its hardest, it can take a lot longer than if it is at its peak melting point during the day. If you are able to wait for mid-day, this can be the best time to chip away at and remove ice from a parking lot.

Sand, Salt, and De-Icer

Salt can be used to melt ice, and there are many chemical de-icers that can be purchased in order to clear a parking lot of ice. Choose the option that is best for your parking lot and make sure that you stay on top of salting and de-icing the area. Sand can also be used in order to provide traction for areas where the ice does not melt fully.

If you would like to learn more parking lot ice and snow removal tips, or to find out more about the parking lot maintenance services that they provide, please contact the team at Atlas Power Sweeping. They are always happy to answer any questions that people have about how best to care for their parking lot.