Power Outage Safety and Preparation Tips

Whether you live in an area with frequent power outages or a home that rarely loses power, it is equally important to be prepared. Having a detailed emergency plan, well-equipped emergency kit, and protection for your home can ensure that your family remains safe during an outage. As leading providers of residential electrical services, the team at Expert Electric has compiled a list of crucial power outage safety and preparation tips.

Read more electrical safety tips.

How to Properly Prepare for a Power Outage

To be properly prepared for a power outage, it is important to know the steps you should take. To ensure that your family and home stay safe during an outage, you should:

Create a Detailed Emergency Plan

Take the time to sit down with every member of your household to ensure that everyone knows what they should do in the event of a power outage. Writing your plan down and having it posted somewhere in the home is an effective method of ensuring that everyone remembers what to do. To ensure that your plan covers all aspects of your home, consider the following:

  • The cause of the power outage (weather, transformer explosion, etc.)
  • Where your home is located (in a busy neighbourhood or a remote area)
  • The age and medical conditions of any dependents within the home
  • The methods of heating your home and alternative methods to stay warm
  • If you live in a condo building, determine if the building has a dedicated plan

Build a Power Outage Emergency Kit

An emergency kit should be prepared and on hand for any crisis, including power outages. BC Hydro recommends that an emergency kit includes the following items for a large power outage:

  • Flashlights and/or lanterns
  • Extra batteries for your devices
  • Bottled water
  • Non-perishable food
  • First aid supplies
  • A battery-powered radio
  • Cell phone battery pack
  • Blankets
  • Cards, board games, or books

All contents of your emergency kit should be periodically inspected and tested to ensure that they are in good working order.

Prepare Your House

To protect your devices from power outages and power surges, install quality surge protectors in key areas of your home. This will help protect your main devices from a power overload which can damage their battery or other components. In addition to surge protectors, place flashlights in accessible places around the home to ensure they are easy to find in the dark. If a power outage occurs, ensure that you keep your refrigerator and freezer closed to keep food cold. If it is cold outside, ensure that all windows are closed to keep as much heat in your home as possible.

For more information on power outage safety and preparation, get in touch with the team at Expert Electric. They can be reached through their online contact form and will be happy to help you prepare your home for a power outage or repair any damage caused by a power surge.