Shipping Tips for Small Businesses

Shipping can be a confusing and time-consuming process for many small businesses if they do not know where to start. C&D Logistics wants to ensure that every small business has the tools and knowledge they need for efficient shipping. That is why their team has put together a list of shipping tips for small businesses. By following these tips, businesses will be able to optimize their shipping processes while minimizing costs.

Learn more about our small business freight shipping services.

Small Businesses Shipping Tips

The following tips will help to streamline the shipping process for any small business. Whether the shipment involves a few boxes or a few pallets of goods, these tips help save money while ensuring the best representation of your business.

1. Utilize LTL (Less-Than-Truckload) Shipping

Many small businesses do not have enough products to fill an entire truck trailer. In situations like this, LTL (Less-Than-Truckload) shipping is a great solution. This method involves combining products from multiple businesses to fill a container, eliminating the need for one business to fill a container by themselves. There are many ways that businesses benefit from LTL shipping. These benefits include reduced shipping and warehouse costs, easy tracking, improved security, and faster delivery times.

2. Choose Quality Packaging

Quality packaging not only keeps products safe but also represents the quality of a business’ brand and identity. Utilizing professional packaging such as boxes, packing tape, and fillers will leave customers with a positive impression while keeping products safe from damage. If utilizing a pallet, it is important to ensure that it is wrapped well to limit/prevent product movement during transit.

3. Ensure All Details are Correct

Small businesses often face additional shipping charges due to missing small details or inaccurately measuring packages. Shipping costs are determined by several factors including weight, dimensions, distance, quantity, and type of product. It is important that every business accurately records this data for every shipment. Failure to do so can result in additional charges. In addition to shipment details, it is equally important to ensure that address details are correct on the shipping label. Incorrect shipping labels can lead to additional fees or returned products, reducing the quality of a customer’s experience.

4. Know How LTL Shipping Rates are Calculated

In addition to weight, package dimensions, distance, and quantity, several factors affect LTL shipping rates. For example, if additional accessories such as a lift gate are required for loading a shipment, this may increase shipping costs. The experts at C&D Logistics will be happy to assist with the calculation of shipping rates for your business.

5. Choose a Reliable Courier

Couriers are responsible for handling and safely delivering the products of many small businesses. As a result, couriers act as a representative for small businesses and can greatly impact the customer experience. To ensure the best representation and customer experience, choose a reliable and respected shipping service. At C&D Logistics, their team understands this responsibility and works hard to ensure quality delivery and representation of every small business.

To learn more about their shipping services, please contact our team at 604-881-4440 or by filling out our contact form on our website. You can also stay up to date with their latest news by following them on InstagramFacebook, and YouTube.