Talalay Latex Mattresses vs Dunlop Latex Mattresses

Getting to know the differences between Talalay latex mattresses and Dunlop latex mattresses can help you make an informed choice about which one will work best for you. At Innovative Sleep Solutions, they want to help you choose the best mattresses for your particular needs. That is why they offer a range of sleep products, including latex mattresses.

How are Dunlop Latex Mattresses Made?

Dunlop latex mattresses are made from latex that has been manufactured from the sap of rubber trees. This liquid latex serum is whipped into a froth, injected in between layers of a mold, and then baked in a vulcanization oven. Once the latex has been fully baked, it is then removed from the mold, washed, and then reheated in order to remove any moisture.

How are Talalay Latex Mattresses Made?

Similar to the Dunlop latex mattress making process, the liquid latex used to make Talalay mattresses is whipped into a foam-like consistency and poured into a mold; however, the mold is only partially filled before being sealed to create a vacuum. The liquid latex will then expand to fill the entire mold before being flash-frozen with carbon dioxide gas that is pushed through the latex. Once the latex is frozen, it is then baked, removed from the mold, washed, and dried.

Dunlop Latex Mattress Density

Compared to Talalay latex mattresses, Dunlop latex tends to produce a firmer mattress that is extremely durable and springier. This type of latex mattress is often a good choice for people with kids or pets because it can take a lot of abuse.

Talalay Latex Mattress Density

Talalay latex mattresses tend to be lighter, less dense, and more breathable than Dunlop latex mattresses. This makes it the ideal latex mattress for people who tend to sleep warm, as it does a great job of dissipating heat for a more comfortable sleeping temperature. While Talalay latex mattresses are often not as springy as Dunlop latex mattresses, they are still very elastic-like.

Are Dunlop Latex Mattresses Eco-Friendly?

Since the Dunlop latex process is simpler and more energy efficient than the Talalay latex process, it leaves a smaller carbon footprint and is often less expensive. Dunlop latex mattresses are also extremely durable, which means that you will not have to replace your mattress as often, resulting in fewer mattresses in the landfill.

Are Talalay Latex Mattresses Eco-Friendly?

Compared to the Dunlop latex process, the Talalay process is more complex and labour-intensive, which means that it has a larger carbon footprint and is more expensive. Talalay latex mattresses are also less dense, so they tend to wear out faster than Dunlop mattresses.

If you would like to learn more about the differences between Talalay latex mattresses and Dunlop latex mattresses, or if you are interested in one of theirĀ sleep products, please contact Innovative Sleep Solutions at 604-536-9380 or by filling out a contact form on our website.