Things to Consider when Disposing of Christmas Waste

Getting to know some of the different things to consider when disposing of Christmas waste will help you determine which items can and cannot be recycled after the holidays. At First Class Waste, we want to help you dispose of your Christmas waste responsibly. That is why our team has put together a list of some of the different things to consider when disposing of holiday waste this year.

1. Avoid Shiny Wrapping Paper

One of the most common mistakes that people make at Christmastime is trying to recycle shiny wrapping paper. Most of the different types of glossy or laminated gift wrap that is so popular at this time of year is actually non-recyclable.

Instead consider wrapping presents with newsprint, paper grocery bags, or other natural-fibre paper products. In some cases, you may be able to find recyclable wrapping paper or recycled wrapping paper that is embedded with seeds and can be planted after it has been used.

2. Breakdown Boxes

While online shopping continues to become increasingly popular, ordering too many items online can result in a sheer volume of boxes which can often overflow from the recycling bin to the garbage can. Consider breaking down the cardboard boxes to help save space and to ensure that they end up in the recycling bin.

3. Compost Paper Plates, Napkins & Paper Towels

Even though solid paper cups, plates, and napkins are not recyclable, they are compostable. Consider setting up a separate bin for your guests to place their food scraps, paper plates, napkins, and paper towels in. This will help you keep compostable items separate from garbage.

4. Keep Plastic Bags Out of the Recycling Bin

Rather than trying to stick plastic bags in the recycling bin—which can lead to a lot of problems at the recycling plant—consider taking any plastic bags accumulated from Christmas shopping to a local grocery or retail store that will recycle them or simply avoid using plastic bags at all by bringing your own reusable bag.

5. Do Not be Fooled by the Three-Arrow Triangle

While most people associate the three arrows forming a triangle with reduce, reuse, and recycle, this symbol does not necessarily mean that a plastic item is recyclable. Instead, it is just indicates the resin code or the type of plastic the item is made from.

Different municipalities can recycle different types of resins, but most places can only recycle number one and number two plastics. Make sure to check your community’s guidelines to find out what is and is not recyclable in your area.

If you would like to know more things to consider when disposing of Christmas waste, or if you are interested in our residential garbage and recycling services, please contact First Class Waste at 604-823-2116 or by filling out a contact form on our website.