Using Wood to Create a Feature Wall

Feature walls are a great way to distinguish your home and add value to a space. They offer a personal touch to a room and create something that will stand out in the mind of visitors. There are many different ways to create a feature wall, including paint, trim, wall decals, and wood. At Country Lumber, we know that using wood to create a feature wall is one of the most effective and versatile ways to make a room pop with creativity. We sell a wide variety of wood products that can be used to help you create a unique feature wall for your home, including cedar and dimensional lumber.

Ideas for Wood Feature Walls

Wood can be used in a variety of ways to create a feature wall in your home. It can easily be installed over drywall, meaning that many types of wooden feature walls make great DIY projects. Some ideas for feature walls made of wood could include:

Cedar Plank Feature Wall

One of the easiest feature wall designs that can be used for nearly any space is a solid wood cedar plank layout. Planks can be laid on the wall in any direction or they can be applied in different patterns, such as herringbone. Stains can be applied to the cedar boards to complement your room’s overall aesthetic. Shiplap or tongue in groove can be used to eliminate gaps between the cedar boards.

Modern Art Feature Wall

One way to use wood to create a feature wall is to apply thin strips to create a modern looking pattern. Simple square sticks of wood can be fastened to the wall so that they create a unique interwoven, angular pattern.

Classic Wood Trim

If you prefer to stick to tried and true designs, using wood to create board and batten, wainscoting, or any other type of classically trimmed feature wall can be a very attractive way to go.

Rustic Wood Feature Wall

The right finish work can give wooden boards a distressed, rustic look. When cut at short, uneven lengths or applied in overlapping patterns, this can give a wall a rough, natural, reclaimed appearance.

If you would like to learn more about how to use wood to create a feature wall in your home, or to learn more about the products and services offered at Country Lumber, please contact our experienced team so that we can help you find what you are looking for.