Categories: Weddings

Vinyl Dance Floor Wrap Ideas

Whether you are planning a wedding or a corporate event, having a vinyl wrap installed on the dance floor can make a great statement piece that guests will remember for years to come. At InStyle Floor Wraps, they want to help you create the perfect wrap for your specific event. That is why they have put together a list of some vinyl dance floor wrap ideas to help inspire your vision of the perfect floor wrap.

Design Ideas for Vinyl Dance Floor Wraps

Some common design ideas for vinyl dance floor wraps that you can use for your next event include:

1. Monogram Decals

Monogram decals can be a great way to add a personalized touch to any dance floor. While monogram decals are typically used to display the initials or names of a bride and groom along with their wedding date, monogram decals can also be used to display the name of a company or event. Since monogram decals only take up a portion of the dance floor, monogram decals can add a touch of personality to the dance floor without overwhelming the space.

2. Inspirational Quotes

Similar to monogram decals, vinyl floor wraps can be designed to incorporate other types of text elements, such as inspirational quotes. Consider using quotes that are meaningful to your specific event like a quote that is commonly associated with weddings or the slogan of the company hosting the event.

3. Large Patterns

If you are looking to turn your event’s dance floor into a statement piece, consider incorporating a large pattern in your vinyl floor wrap design. Large patterns, such as a floral print, can be designed to tie into the event’s theme by matching the event colours. Incorporating large patterns can also be a great way to draw the eyes of your guests to the dance floor.

4. Images or Logos

Another great way to turn your floor into a statement piece is to incorporate images or your company logo in the design. Using images can be a fun and easy way to capture the attention of your guests, providing them with a memorable experience.

If you would like to learn more vinyl dance floor wrap ideas, or if you are interested in one of their floor wrap services, please contact the dance floor wrap experts from InStyle Floor Wraps at 604-226-3728 or by filling out a contact form on their website. You can also stay up to date with the latest news and designs by following them on Instagram and Facebook.