What are Message Signs and Arrow Boards?

Message signs and arrow boards are popular choices for construction traffic management. These signs are used to alert drivers of upcoming obstacles, slower traffic, and other important information. They feature integrated LED lights that are highly visible during the day and at night, making them difficult to miss. Proper use of these signs ensures that drivers know what to expect when entering a construction zone and are prepared to change lanes or go around a site if needed. Valley Traffic Systems understands the importance of traffic management and safety. That is why they have compiled some important information on what message boards and arrow boards are to demonstrate how they are used.

Learn more about the different types of traffic control signs.

What are Message Signs?

Message signs are large displays that utilize numerous LED lights to display a text-based message or image. They can be used to alert drivers of severe weather, changing road conditions, detours, and reduced lane availability. Most message signs are attached to wheeled bases and can be transported to a job site via a trailer hitch. Some units also feature wireless capabilities that allows their message to be effortlessly programmed and updated as needed.

Many modern message signs are also solar powered, eliminating the need for rechargeable batteries or connecting to a vehicle battery. Message signs are available in a variety of sizes and configurations based on site requirements and traffic density. Reach out to the team at Valley Traffic Systems for assistance choosing the optimal unit for your site.

What are Arrow Boards?

Arrow boards are simple displays that utilize LED lights in the shape of left or right arrows. They are used to alert drivers of upcoming detours or to indicate that they need to move into another lane. Arrow boards are available with wheeled bases that can be towed onto a job site or in vehicle-mounted options for simplified operation.

It is important to ensure that these signs are completely visible at a distance both during the day and at night. A lack of visibility can result in slower traffic, collisions with site equipment, or even injury to construction site personnel.

To learn more about message signs, arrow boards, and other traffic management equipment, reach out to Valley Traffic Systems. Their experts can be reached by phone or through their online contact form and will be happy to help you find the perfect solution.