Categories: Labels

What Information is Required for Food Labels?

When it comes to food and beverage labels, there are many rules and regulations surrounding their design and required content. Understanding what information is required for food labels is crucial for ensuring that you are compliant with relevant standards and laws. That is why the experts at West Coast Labels have compiled a list of required elements for food labels to help you ensure that you have everything you need before creating a final design.

Read some tips for designing a food and beverage label.

3 Important Elements for Every Food Label

Whether your food label design is complex or minimalistic, the following elements must be included to ensure that you comply with nutrition labelling standards in Canada:

1. The Nutrition Facts Table

This area of a label is one of the first places a consumer will check before determining if they will purchase your product. The nutrition facts table allows consumers to learn about the caloric content of your product and compare it to similar options. Every nutrition facts table must include the recommended serving size, caloric content, and % of the daily value for 13 core nutrients including fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates, fibre, sugar, protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron. The format of all nutrition facts tables is the same across food products to allow for easy comparison between various items.

2. The Ingredient List

The ingredient list is typically close to the nutrition facts table. This section lists every ingredient used in the product, even if it is only a trace amount. Ingredients are sorted by weight, with the heaviest ingredient listed first and the lightest ingredient listed last. For example, most cereals will list wheat as their first ingredient as it is the most prominent ingredient in the product. Ingredient lists are crucial as they can help consumers determine if they are allergic to anything in the product or if it is safe for them to eat.

3. Nutrition/Health Claims

Food product labels can include nutrition or health claims based on the contents, though these are technically optional in most cases. Examples of nutrition and health claims include:

  • Source of calcium
  • High in fibre
  • Free of trans fats
  • Reduced sugar
  • Peanut-free

It should be noted that certain food products do not require a label. These include fresh fruits and vegetables, raw meat, alcohol, and food products that contain few nutrients (tea, coffee, etc.).

To learn more about their food and beverage label printing services or to discuss the details of your project, get in touch with the team at West Coast Labels. They can be reached through their online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding their services.