What is a Water Garden?

If you enjoy gardening and are looking to incorporate a water feature into your backyard space, a water garden might be the perfect solution for you. If you are unsure about what a water garden is and whether or not it is the best option for your backyard space, the expert team from Fontana Ponds & Water Features can help you make an informed decision.

Learn how to set up a water garden.

What are Water Gardens?

Water gardens are aquatic gardens that can be designed to incorporate a selection of different plants and animals. Aquatic gardens can range from small-scale indoor gardens to large outdoor gardens. Similar to a regular garden, water gardens can contain a variety of different plants, including:

  • Marginal plants—Lotus, Cattail, and Bulrush are examples of marginal plants. These types of plants have their roots submerged in water, while the rest of the plant sits above the water.
  • Submerged plants—some plants can be fully submerged in the water garden to provide a better environment for fish and other animals.
  • Floating plants—water hyacinth and mosquito ferns are floating plans that are typically used in water gardens to provide shade and reduce algae growth.

In addition to incorporating a variety of different plants into your water garden design, you can also choose to include fish, such as koi, goldfish, and guppies, and other lifeforms.

Why Get a Water Garden?

If you love entertaining, having a water garden installed in your backyard can provide you and your guests with a great backdrop for a fun and relaxing evening. Similar to regular gardens, water gardens can be completely customized to suit your backyard space. Consider incorporating a variety of different features into your water garden design, such as waterfalls, steppingstones, bridges, and light installations. You can even incorporate fountain bubbles or spray heads for an added effect your guests will love.

Tending to your water garden can also provide you with a therapeutic and relaxing hobby. Just make sure to keep an eye on your artificial ecosystem to ensure that your plants and animals remain happy and healthy.

If you are interested in learning more about what a water garden is, or if you are looking for a professional team to install a water garden in your backyard space, we can help. Get in touch with the professional team from Fontana Ponds & Water Features today to get started on your water garden project.