When to Repair or Replace Your Vinyl Wrap

A vinyl wrap is a great method for advertising your business and personalizing your vehicle. Though they are exceptionally durable and long-lasting, they are not immune to damage. Whether you have a vinyl car wrap, partial wrap for your van, or a vinyl wall wrap, it is important to know the common signs of wear and damage. Recognizing common signs of damage is the best way to determine when to repair or replace your vinyl wrap. As leading providers of high-quality vehicle wraps and wall wraps, the team at Wrap Guys has compiled a list of the most common signs of damage for vinyl wraps.

Learn about what surfaces can be vinyl wrapped.

Signs that you Need to Replace Your Vinyl Wrap

The following forms of damage are common signs that it may be time to repair or replace your vinyl wrap:


Over time, the colours on a vinyl wrap may fade if exposed to consistent harsh sunlight. Parking under cover or in shade can reduce damage, but a small amount of fading is likely to occur due to daily driving. A faded or blotchy wrap can negatively impact the impression you leave on customers and make text difficult to read. If you notice signs of fading, it is worth looking into repairs or a replacement.


Vinyl wraps can begin to peel due to impacts, external tears, or dirt building up under the edges. Improper washing with a pressure washer or high-pressure car wash can also cause your wrap to peel, so it is important to stick to recommended cleaning methods. Peeling can quickly go from mild to severe, so it is important to repair a peeling wrap quickly to prevent the need for a full replacement.


If fluids—coffee, juice, etc.— are spilled on your vinyl wrap and are not immediately cleaned, this may cause stains. Stains can also occur due to insects if they are not cleaned from a car right away. Once stains set in, they can be extremely difficult to remove. If a large stain appears on your vinyl wrap, it may be time to have it repaired or replaced.

To learn more about vinyl wraps and when to replace them, reach out to Wrap Guys. Their team can be reached through their online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.