Why is User Experience Important?

User experience (UX) can help fulfill the users’ needs and your business’ online goals by creating a fast, easy-to-use product or service that improves user engagement, drives conversions, and encourages repeat visitors. Great UX goes beyond the visual elements of web design to plan out how users will interact with the website in order to get them to convert by completing a specific task—making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, filling out a quote form, etc.

If you are looking to improve the usability of your current website or are wanting to create a brand-new user-friendly website, our team of web design and development experts can help. The team from FirstPage Marketing will work closely with you throughout the entire process to ensure that your specific target audience’s needs are being properly met.

Learn more website design tactics for keeping consumers engaged.

What is User Experience?

UX focuses on the quality of experience and the overall response that a user has when they interact with a website, application, system, product, or service. This means that it is important to take the time to really understand your target audience, what they are looking for, their values, their abilities, and their limitations in order to create the best user experience possible. Great UX will also take into consideration a company’s unique goals and objectives to improve the users’ interaction and perception of the company as a whole.

Some of the factors that can impact the overall user experience of the website include:

  • Accessibility
  • Branding
  • Content
  • Human-device interaction
  • Information architecture
  • Page loading speed
  • Usability
  • Utility and performance

Why User Experience is Important

Some of the ways in which UX is important for marketing a business online are:

1. Puts Your Audience First

When it comes to creating a brand-new website or completely revamping your current website, it can be very easy to get caught up in all of the design elements and to lose sight of how the website will function and how additional content can be added in the future. Keeping UX in mind when working on the website’s new design makes it much easier to create content and a structure that will appeal to your target audience, allowing them to navigate the website with ease.

2. Improves SEO Performance

Since Google’s main priority is providing users with good UX, Google will use information from a website—time spent on a page, loading speed, site navigation, content relevancy, and website design—to determine how well that website ranks against the user experience of competitor websites. The better a website’s UX and its overall relevancy to the user’s search query, the greater the chance that the website will rank better in Google’s search results.

3. Helps Convert Customers

The overall user experience of a website directly affects how a user will navigate the site and whether or not they will convert into an actual customer. Since UX focuses on creating a strong first impression with users, UX is an important part of encouraging users to choose the best path in the sales funnel for their needs and preferences.

4. Reduces Future Development Costs

Taking the time to perform in-depth UX research before fully designing, developing, and launching a new website can help minimize the risk of potential problems and, thus, the need to pay for future development costs. It is also important to keep in mind that it is often cheaper to prevent potential issues before a website is developed than it is to fix the problems once the website is live.

5. Creates Trust and Credibility

Great UX can help reinforce a brand’s credibility by ensuring that users are able to easily find what they are looking for and engage with it. This, in turn, helps create trust and improves the odds that a user will make a purchase, contact the company, or spend more time on the website interacting with the content.

Focusing on user experience and the unique needs of your target audience will help you create a website that generates better leads, while also building a stronger brand reputation. To learn more about creating a user-friendly website, get in touch with the web design and development experts today.