Wide Load Shipping Regulations

Getting to know the different wide load shipping regulations will help ensure that your freight is being transported from one destination to the next in the safest manner possible. At C&D Logistics, they understand the importance of adhering to all shipping regulations, especially for oversized loads.

What is Considered a Wide Load?

A wide load, also known as an oversized load, is any load that exceeds the maximum legal width, height, or length defined by the province or state in which the load is being transported. In most cases, the maximum legal width of a load is 8.5 feet and the maximum height limit ranges between 13.5-14.5 feet. While the legal length of a load is more likely to vary between provinces and states, wide loads tend to be any load that exceeds the width of a highway travel lane—typically 8.5 feet wide.

Any load that is considered to be oversized will require a permit to travel on public highways. In some cases, depending on the width of the load, additional requirements and restrictions are put into place, such as needing escort vehicles and being limited to certain travel times and routes.

Oversized Permits and Regulations

Even though maximum legal dimensions vary for different provinces and states, any vehicle and load that exceeds one of the legal dimensions will be required to have a permit defining the size, weight, and nature of the load, as well as the determined starting and destination points. The fee for the permit will be determined by the nature of the load and the type of permit being issued: one-time hauls, multiple similar hauls, or annual permits.

Safety Equipment

All oversized loads are required to use safety equipment, such as warning signs, flags, and lights to ensure that other drivers are completely aware of the edges of an oversized load. In most cases, the hauling vehicle will also be required to have a black and yellow “wide load” or “oversize load” sign across the front and back of the vehicle.

Running Times

While permitted travel times vary from province to province and state to state, most places tend to restrict the movements of oversized loads to daylight hours, depending on the size of the load; however, in some cases, wide loads may be required to move at night during times with the least amount of traffic. When moving wide loads across several states or provinces, it is important to know the requirements of each area to ensure that all regulations are being properly complied with.

If you would like to learn more about wide load shipping regulations, or if you are interested in one of their freight shipping services, please contact C&D Logistics at 604-881-4440 or by filling out a contact form on their website. You can also stay up to date with the latest news by following them on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.