Power Saving Tips for Offices

A typical office will utilize many lights, kitchen appliances, computers, printers, and other devices throughout a standard day. Though many of these devices are needed for daily tasks, there are many ways that they can be used more efficiently. In most offices, devices are overused or switched on when they do not need to be, resulting in excess power consumption. As leading providers of commercial electrical services, the team at BNR Electric has compiled a list of power saving tips for offices.

7 Power Saving Tips for Offices

The following power saving tips can be applied to most offices in nearly any type of facility:

1. Utilize Natural Light

Artificial lights consume power, while natural lighting is free and can positively impact the mood of staff. If your office features numerous windows, try using natural light by itself or use half of the artificial lights instead of all of them.

2. Switch to Energy-Efficient Bulbs

Most offices still utilize old lightbulbs instead of newer energy-efficient units. Reduced costs, lower heat emission, and increased light coverage are just some of the reasons to upgrade your facility’s lighting. Choose CFL or LED bulbs for optimal light coverage at a fraction of the energy usage.

3. Utilize Laptops Instead of Desktops

Did you know that laptops typically consume less than half of the energy consumed by desktops? If possible, have staff utilize laptops to reduce power consumption without reducing productivity.

4. Use Energy Saving Features on Devices

Put laptops or desktops to sleep or use the hibernation feature when they are not in use. Monitors should also be shut off when not in use to ensure they are not consuming power for no reason. Most modern technology and appliances feature built-in energy saving features, so it is a good idea to update your technology whenever possible.

5. Control Heating and Cooling Systems

Utilize a programmable thermostat that automatically adjusts the temperature of your office when no one is around. This will ensure that heat and cooling are reduced while the office is not in use, cutting down on power consumption and costs. During operating hours, try to keep the temperature within a comfortable range without creating a drastic difference between indoors and outside.

6. Only Print When Necessary

Printers consume a large amount of power while printing, especially for long documents. With the abundance of programs and digital viewing options available, printing is not nearly as common or frequent as it used to be. Save power and resources by printing only when necessary.

7. Power Down When Going Home

One of the main causes of excess energy consumption for offices is that employees do not power their equipment down at the end of the day. Encourage all staff to put their computer into hibernation mode, turn off the lights, and power down any other non-essential equipment before going home.

To learn more about power saving tips and technology, reach out to the experts at BNR Electric. Their team will work with you to provide the perfect solution for your needs.