
Common Electrical Problems with Old Buildings

12 May 2022 Electrical Services

If you are looking at purchasing an older home or currently own an old commercial property, it is important to be aware of various electrical issues that can occur as a building gets older. Knowing about these issues can help you spot them before they cause lasting property damage or become a hazard. As a leading residential and commercial electrical contractor, the team at BNR Electric knows how important it is to address electrical issues as soon as they are spotted. That is why they have compiled a list of common electrical problems with old buildings to help you understand what to look for.

Learn when you should replace an outlet in your home or commercial property.

4 Common Electrical Issues with Old Buildings

Older homes, commercial properties, and industrial buildings can be susceptible to a variety of electrical issues. The following electrical problems are among the most common in older properties and should be addressed by an experienced and certified electrician:

1. Outdated Wires and Deteriorating Insulation

Extremely old homes and commercial properties may be equipped with aluminum wiring or knob and tube wiring systems. While these were once viewed as safe and acceptable systems, they have since been determined to be unsafe. If your property is equipped with either of these systems, they will need to be replaced with copper wiring immediately. In addition to the type of wiring installed, it is important to ensure that the insulation around each wire is in good condition as deteriorated insulation can become a fire hazard.

2. Obsolete Breakers or Service Panels

Old buildings may have a 100-amp electrical panel installed instead of a modern 200-amp panel. While these units used to be sufficient, they are no longer a safe choice for modern appliances and technology. If your electrical panel and circuit breakers are several decades old, they are likely not supported by the manufacturer anymore and will need to be replaced.

3. Outdated Light Fixtures

Outdated light fixtures can start to flicker or stop working entirely over time. In addition to functionality, old light fixtures typically consume far more energy than modern LED-based fixtures, increasing your energy costs. To save money and ensure that your property is sufficiently illuminated, it is often worth hiring an electrician to update your light fixtures.

4. Faulty or Outdated Outlets

Exceptionally old outlets only have two holes instead of three, meaning that they are ungrounded and unsafe for most modern devices. If your property is equipped with ungrounded outlets or your outlets are showing signs of damage, they should be replaced as soon as possible.

To learn more about their electrical services or to discuss the details of your project, get in touch with the team at BNR Electric. They can be reached through their online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding their services.