
How Often Should You Power Sweep Your Parking Lot?

14 Nov 2021 Cleaning Services

Parking lots routinely collect debris, litter, fallen leaves, and other waste that can negatively impact the appearance and reputation of the business attached to them. In addition to a damaged reputation, this waste can cause cracking and other damage in a parking lot over time, leading to costly repairs and potential lot closures. To keep your parking lot looking clean and in good condition, routine power sweeping is a requirement. As leading providers of power sweeping solutions for all types of parking lots, the team at Atlas Power Sweeping knows how beneficial regular sweeping and maintenance can be. We also know that every parking lot will have different sweeping requirements. That is why we have provided some information to help you determine how often you should power sweep your parking lot to keep it in the best possible condition.

How long does it take to sweep a parking lot?

What Type of Business do You Own?

Different locations and businesses have their own standards for how often power sweepers should be run through their accompanying lots or parkades. For example, an office building’s parking space is typically swept two times per week. If the location in question is a store where customers arrive in large numbers every day, the lot should be swept every other day. Restaurants and fast-food providers may even require daily sweeping as customers may associate unclean parking lots with unsanitary food preparation and cooking. The only locations that can afford to have power sweepers carry out their work every few weeks are facilities that are only occasionally visited by customers such as storage warehouses.

What do Your Immediate Surroundings Look Like?

Your location’s immediate surroundings will significantly impact your sweeping requirements. Areas located near trees will need to have fallen leaves cleaned out constantly as they can fall into sewage drains and create floods. Parking lots located in busy urban areas will also have more litter dropped in them by pedestrians, further increasing sweeping requirements. In addition to your location, it is important to consider the condition of your lot. If the asphalt is cracking and forming holes, waste will likely gather around those points, causing the cracks to enlarge. Consult a professional power sweeping provider to see what they would recommend for your property.

To learn more about our power sweeping solutions or to inquire about our other services, get in touch with the team at Atlas Power Sweeping. We can be reached through our online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our services.