
Ideas for Pre-Engineered Metal Building Exterior Designs

26 Mar 2020 Pre-Engineered Buildings

Although the image that comes to mind for many people when they think of metal buildings is of a cold, plain, metallic box of a building, this is not the case with many pre-engineered metal building designs. Many pre-engineered metal buildings are finished with metal siding, but there are many other ways to finish the exterior of a metal building to create a different aesthetic. At Ferro Building Systems, we provide a variety of metal building systems and our experienced team has many ideas for pre-engineered metal building exterior designs that can help your building stand out.

Exterior Design Ideas for Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings

Whether you plan on installing a façade for your metal building or refinishing it post-construction or you intend to build the exterior using materials other than metal cladding, it is useful to have some ideas on different ways to finish a metal building. Some ways to give your pre-engineered metal building an outstanding exterior include:


Using wood elements or completely siding the building in wood can help to give your steel building a great, natural look. Wood timbers and pillars or wood trim can be used to offer a softened look for metal buildings, and full wooden siding can completely hide the fact that a building is made of metal.


Stone and brick can add a great effect to any building, and they can be used in conjunction with other materials to create a great look for a metal building. Whether you use brick or stone for accent areas or create an entire façade out of masonry, you can be sure that your pre-engineered metal building will gain a great craftsman-style finish.


If you want to soften your building’s aesthetic without losing some of its low-maintenance appeal, using stucco on the exterior is a great option. Stucco can be used in conjunction with metal cladding to give your building a modern aesthetic that takes very little work to maintain.

If you would like to learn more about ideas for pre-engineered metal building exterior designs, or to find out more about some of the pre-engineered building options that we offer, please contact Ferro Building Systems at 604-530-3224 or fill out a contact form on our website.